

This Product is under in development.

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It is important how to efficiently mount mobile device in car. we use our patent that regional based advertising platform through motion sensor and hologram.

” This Product is under in development.”

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Recently car navigation market is struggling because of development of navigation app. It is important how to efficiently mount mobile device in car. Our company is a company specialized in developing contents/platform for autonomous driving vehicles. It is venture company that realizes and comopletes fushion and convergence of mobile and automobiles through motion sensors and hologram technology. Navagation is actively been studying in the automobile industry. It is difficult to develop a different size navigation for each car. We think rollable display resolve this difficult problem and we think rollable display result in sensation in automobile industry. Second we use our patent that regional based advertising platform through motion sensor and hologram. You can receive food or attraction in passing area. You can agree or deny advertisement to use your gesture. If you use advertisement on your phone, you provide discount.