
“We want to develop self-driving contents through data collection”
MAIN INFO Co., LTD develops driver assistance devices and self-driving car platforms using hologram navigation, wireless chargers, motion sensors, voice recognition, and blockchain technologies. MAIN INFO Co., LTD has successfully participated in several national government projects and is now looking forward to collaborating with international partners and expanding globally.
We have certain technology which can enable an old model vehicle to have certain autonomous vehicle functions just by using a smartphone and our device, HOLO NAVI. Also with our device drivers will be able to control their smartphone without touching it (via voice and gesture control). With these safety features, we will be able to use the smartphone in a very useful and efficient way inside of a vehicle.
Currently, we are in R&D for the collection of data on the road while driving with a mobile phone and ultimately use it for autonomous driving, the metaverse, real estate, logistics and etc.
Most companies take years to collect numerous petabytes (1,024 terabytes) of road data. With our technology and device, we will be able to collect the same amount in a matter of days. And this vast amount of data will allow us to develop the first standardized autonomous driving program.
for more information and online meetings please contact us at main@maininfo.co.kr

“We want to develop self-driving contents through data collection”
MAININFO specializing in self-driving developing contents/platform for autonomous drving vehicles. lt is venture company that realizes and completes fushion and convergence of mobile and automobiles through motion sensors and hologram technology. As the IT environment changes rapidly, various technologies can be combined and various solutions can emerge based on transparent OLED, 4D hologram, and 5G communication. MAIN INFO quickly accepts these new technologies and releases new products every two years. We transferred a technology that hologram and voice recognition from Samsung Electronic and motion sensor from ETRI. And we make HOLONAVI series using our patent and transferred technology. We think observance of the traffic law and safety drive is priority. Driver assistance device using motion sensors is the only technology in the country. Self driving car is promising industry. Contents and platform too. Our company’s long range aim is to create useful autonomous driving contents and platform by implementing and completing the convergence of mobile device and automobile using hologram and motion sensor. And I hope it will be a MAININFO that can contribute to regional economic development, job creation, and even corporate social contribution.